I have this ng-repeat condition:
<tr ng-repeat="(k, v) in loanapps | filter:{LoanStatus:SelectedStatus}:true track by $index">
Filtering works fine when I have SelectedStatus value. Now I also want to reset the filter and display all the results.
I have this button click function:
$scope.ResetStatusFilter = function() {
$scope.SelectedStatus = null;
I also tried:
$scope.ResetStatusFilter = function() {
$scope.SelectedStatus = '';
But what this is doing is clearing out all the results.
Is there anyway how can I display all the results and exclude the filter once the button is clicked?
The select list is this one:
<select ng-model="SelectedStatus">
<option value="Under Review">Under Review</option>
<option value="Waiting for Meeting">Waiting for Meeting</option>
<option value="Processing">Processing</option>
try changing filter:{LoanStatus:SelectedStatus}:true
to filter:SelectedStatus