i have few sheet, and a need for once of it that a specific cell (A1) is equal "1" the label color become green once the change their value.
I declare in a ThisWorkBook the following function:
Public Function ColorLabel(LabelName)
Set Foglio = Sheets(LabelName)
Set Target = Foglio.Range("A1")
If Target = "1" Then
Foglio.Tab.ColorIndex = 4
Foglio.Tab.ColorIndex = xlNone
end if
End Function
So, in every sheet i define the following code
Private function Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
end function
but I get the following error
Compilation error. Expected variable or routine and not form
What's wrong?
Someone help me?
If the function is defined in the ThisWorkbook
module, you should call it this way:
ThisWorkbook.ColorLabel Me.Name
and by the way, as it is written, ColorLabel shoud be a Sub not a function (it does not return anything).
However, better design would be: