Is there a standard way to do the following?
{ model | country =
{ | state =
{ | city =
{ | people = ++ [ newPerson ]
Of course, country
, state
, and city
are records nested in the model
. I just want to add a person in the nested city
The above doesn't actually work. I get the following error on the first mention of
I am looking for one of the following things:
"'" "|" an equals sign '=' more letters in this name whitespace
The way I was able to get this to work was to simply call a function at each step:
{ model | country = updateCountry newPerson }
updateCountry person country =
{ country | state = updateState newPerson country.state }
And then the same for updateState
and updateCity
As of today(0.18.0
), arbitrary expressions are not allowed in record update syntax.
In other words, you can not access field of a record during the update:
model = { model.topProperty | childProperty = "Hello" }
Syntax error
It is a planned feature for Elm Compiler, but for now, you should consider restructuring your model or using one of the verbose workarounds.
Personally, I prefer
expression for that, but I never use records with depth, higher than 3.
exampleIt looks super-verbose, but there is nothing bad with this approach. You will be abe to refactor it when Elm Compiler will support a better syntax.
Use this as a starting point for developing a set of helper functions for updates of different levels.
-- Deconstruct on every level.
{ model } = init
{ country } = model
{ state } = country
{ city } = state
{ people } = city
{ init
| model =
{ model
| country =
{ country
| state =
{ state
| city =
{ city
| people = "John" :: people