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sample input signals and check their values VHDL

I have 2 input signals - ID_1,ID_2 which sampled into id_vec.
LEDx_GRNn are output. In this point, only one of a,b,c,d should be '1' and the others '0', which after should make only one led on and the others off.

For some reason all the leds are on so I'm guessing I do something wrong.
Waht am I missing?
ID_1,ID_2 have the constants values.

signal id_vec :std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
signal flag :std_logic;
signal a:std_logic;
signal b:std_logic;
signal c:std_logic;
signal d :std_logic;


a <='1' when id_vec<="10" else '0';
b <='1' when id_vec<="00" else '0';
c <='1' when id_vec<="01" else '0';
d <='1' when id_vec<="11" else '0';

LED1_GRNn <=  not (a);
LED2_GRNn <=  not (b);
LED3_GRNn <=  not (c);
LED4_GRNn <=  not (d); 


  • You don't mean this:

    a <='1' when id_vec<="10" else '0';
    b <='1' when id_vec<="00" else '0';
    c <='1' when id_vec<="01" else '0';
    d <='1' when id_vec<="11" else '0';
    --                 ^
    --                 |
    --       an easy mistake to make                         

    you mean this:

    a <='1' when id_vec="10" else '0';
    b <='1' when id_vec="00" else '0';
    c <='1' when id_vec="01" else '0';
    d <='1' when id_vec="11" else '0';

    It's an easy mistake to make.