I have been trying to find the solution here but since I'm pretty new to JavaScript etc. it has been impossible for me to make this work.
So what I need is a firm's LOGO first appearing when entering the website. The logo should fade in but quite quickly - maybe in 500ms.
AND after the logo has been there for 2 seconds, then it should fade away and the actual webpage should fade in.
I just cannot seem to make this work. Can You help me?
Here is the intro page: http://rockworksstudio.fi/index.html
And after 2 seconds or so it should smoothly translate into this page: http://rockworksstudio.fi/index2.html
I really hope that You could be "overly specific". Thank You in advance!
PS. Also IE blocks by default certain kind of code so that would be important to circumvent.
I have created a fiddle for you: https://jsfiddle.net/mehmetb/c3q62m93/
setTimeout(function() {
//After 2000 milliseconds, fade out the overlay. The animation duration is 500 ms.
}, 2000);