I have four different ArrayLists. I want to try out every possible combination of values.
If the first combination doesn't result in something that fulfills my constraints, I want to remove the first value from the first list and do the whole thing again with the next value.
I made an Iterator for each ArrayList but when I remove a value from the first ArrayList, it throws an IllegalStateException.
This is my code:
public static boolean revise(Haus haus1, Haus haus2) {
boolean removed = false;
Iterator<String> iteratorFarbe1 = haus1.getFarbListe().iterator();
while (iteratorFarbe1.hasNext()) {
String farbe1 = iteratorFarbe1.next();
Iterator<String> iteratorFarbe2 = haus2.getFarbListe().iterator();
while (iteratorFarbe2.hasNext()) {
String farbe2 = iteratorFarbe2.next();
Iterator<String> iteratorLand1 = haus1.getLandListe().iterator();
while (iteratorLand1.hasNext()) {
String land1 = iteratorLand1.next();
Iterator<String> iteratorLand2 = haus2.getLandListe().iterator();
while (iteratorLand2.hasNext()) {
String land2 = iteratorLand2.next();
Haus checkHaus1 = new Haus(haus1.getNummer(), farbe1, land1);
Haus checkHaus2 = new Haus(haus2.getNummer(), farbe2, land2);
if (!checkConstraints(checkHaus1, checkHaus2)) {
removed = true;
return removed;
This could happen because teratorFarbe1.remove()
called more than once between two calls of iteratorFarbe1.hasNext()