I use bootstrap datetimepicker and I want to disable every 1st May and 25th December, I try to do with datesDisabled: ['25/12/2016'] and I have this error "TypeError: format is undefined" I change for ['25-12-2016'] or ['25 12 2016'] or ['2016/12/25'] or ['2016 12 25'] or ['2016-12-25'] and it's same error. So, I tried:
dayOff = new Date();
dayOff = dayOff.toString();
format: "dd MM yyyy - hh:ii",
autoclose: true,
language: 'fr',
pickerPosition: "bottom-left",
startDate: date,
endDate: '2017-12-31',
daysOfWeekDisabled: [2],
datesDisabled: dayOff,
And I got the same error, What's wrong?
must be array according to docs https://eonasdan.github.io/bootstrap-datetimepicker/#enableddisabled-dates so please try this:
disabledDates: [
new Date(2013, 11 - 1, 21),
"11/22/2013 00:53"