I want to be able to subscribe to any event of any object by passing event's name and Action dependent on client code. I have following code
public static class EventSubscriber
public static object Subscriber<TEventArgs>(
this object obj,
string eventName,
Action handler,
Func<TEventArgs, bool> canExecute)
var eventInfo = obj.GetType().
if (eventInfo == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Event name provided does not exist", nameof(eventName));
var handlerArgs = eventInfo.EventHandlerType.
.Select(p => p.ParameterType).ToArray();
var method = new DynamicMethod("method", typeof (void), handlerArgs);
var generator = method.GetILGenerator(256);
generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, handler.Method, null);
return obj;
Usage of code above :
var Polygons = new ObservableCollection<Polygon>(myList);
() => MessageBox.Show("hello"),
e => e.OldItems != null);
It causes an InvalidProgramException when the event fires. I know this is a tricky one and i could simply subscribe using += but could anybody tell why my code crashes? I suppose something wrong with ILGenerator.Emit, any suggestions?
You forgot to return at the end of the DynamicMethod
var method = new DynamicMethod("method", typeof (void), handlerArgs);
var generator = method.GetILGenerator(256);
generator.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, handler.Method, null);
generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ret); //every method must have a return statement
And the class that the compiler creates for the () => MessageBox.Show("hello")
lambda is private.[reference]
When you use a public
method in a public
class instead it works.
var Polygons = new ObservableCollection<Polygon>(myList);
() => MessageBox.Show("hello"), //must in a public class and a public static method
e => e.OldItems != null);