I have dockerized ElasticSearch 1.4.2 and I'm trying to make Polish Stemmer work (https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch-analysis-stempel). After a few issues with installation I have finally done that, but the ElasticSearch still cannot see the Analyzer when I'm trying to Analyze a single text:
curl -XGET localhost:9200/_cat/plugins?v
name component version type url
Elsie-Dee analysis-stempel 2.4.1 j
curl -XGET localhost:9200/_analyze?analyzer=polish -d 'medyczne'
{"error":"ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException[failed to find analyzer [polish]]","status":400}
I wanted to test how it works so I believe I do not have to create a mapping to analyze particular text, do I?
I have checked elasticsearch.log
and there's nothing about it
I have been playing with polish analyzer not so long time ago. On my machine querying localhost:9200/_plugins give me list of
Richard Rider analysis-stempel 2.4.0 j
Richard Rider mapper-attachments 2.4.0 j
You don't need to create index, first you can check how it works by querying _analyze endpoint:
GET /_analyze
"analyzer" : "polish",
"text" : "polskimi"
It returns valid tokens for me ("polski"). BTW There is an official docker image for latest 5.X version. On my local PC (as you can see) I have 2.4.0