Wondering why "DeleteAsync" doesn't delete file but "File.Delete" will do it. Can someone explain this to me? At first I think that the file is open but if the file is open "File.Delete" shouldn't delete it also or...?
private static async void FILESYSTEM_RemoveVideoPosterIfExist(string posterFileNameOnStorage)
IStorageItem videoPosterIStorageItem = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.TryGetItemAsync(SYSTEM_UserVideoPosterFolder + @"\" + DATABASE_SelectedUserInformation.UserName + "." + SYSTEM_UserPosterFolderExtension + @"\" + posterFileNameOnStorage);
if (videoPosterIStorageItem != null)
//Why this doesn't delete file...
await videoPosterIStorageItem.DeleteAsync(StorageDeleteOption.PermanentDelete);
//But this one will delete file.
StorageFolder applicationStorageFolder = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.GetFolderAsync(SYSTEM_UserVideoPosterFolder + @"\" + DATABASE_SelectedUserInformation.UserName + "." + SYSTEM_UserPosterFolderExtension + @"\");
File.Delete(applicationStorageFolder.Path + @"\" + posterFileNameOnStorage);
The reason is likely to be that there is no native function to delete a file asynchronously. The managed APIs generally are wrappers around the unmanaged ones.
Take a look at this
Why isn't there an asynchronous file delete in .net?
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(fileName);
await fi.DeleteAsync(); // C# 5
fi.DeleteAsync().Wait(); // C# 4
Hope this helps!!