I am using EPPlus which is an excellent Excel wrapper to use from C#. I am using it in an asp.net-mvc site and I ran into one strange issue. I want to export a cell with a date format that will work for everyone globally. My web server is in London but i have users all around the world.
What is the correct way to format the Numberformat so the date shows up as something like "12-Apr-2016" (so there is no confusion what is the day and what is the month)
_currentWorksheet.Cells["A2"].Value = myDate;
_currentWorksheet.Cells["A2"].Style.Numberformat.Format = "dd-MMM-yyy";
but it doesn't seem to export correctly.
What is the right syntax for formatting dates that show up in excel globally and could not be confused?
Set the correct user locale, which should make things "globally clear" for them:
_currentWorksheet.Cells["A2"].Style.Numberformat.Format =
System.Globalization was made for cases like this.