I have a component with the following rendering (computed props). It works and shows the text as supposed to for blopp but nothing for blipp. In the final version, I want it to produce a list of strings brought from the state of the store and serve as blipp.
export default {
blopp: function(){ return "ghjk,l"; },
blipp: function(){ return this.$store.getters.getBlipp(); }
It's rendered based on the following template.
<div v-bind:blopp="blopp">{{blopp}}</div>
<div v-bind:blipp="blipp">{{blipp}}</div>
The implementation of the store looks like this bringing the getters to the open forum.
const state = { blipp: [], ... };
const getters = {
getBlipp: function() { return state.Blipp; }, ...
export default new Vuex.Store({ state, mutations, actions, getters });
The second component gets no value in it at all and I'm not sure where to look for the cause.
I probably set it up incorrectly but it's a lot of moving parts and a bit hard to diagnose for the ignorant me. When I try to run the following in the console,
I get an object which lists the getters like this.
get blipp: function()
__proto__: Onject
Not certain what to do with that info... It appears to be a function but when I try to invoke it, it says it's undefinied.
getters function in a similar manner to states. Therefore to resolve them you call a parameter not a method, i.e.
blipp: function() { return this.$store.getters.getBlipp }
In this case you probably want to rename getBlipp
to simply blipp
I put together a JSFiddle which shows the various ways you can interact with vuex's store, hope it helps: