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Haskell conduit filter distinct values

If I use the following Source:

 sourceList [1,3,3,1,2,3]

Is it possible to apply some filter or combinator to only allow distinct values to be passed downstream?

So in my example, only [1,3,2] would be passed downstream?


  • Something like this should do:

    #!/usr/bin/env stack
    -- stack --resolver lts-6.19 runghc --package conduit-combinators
    import Conduit
    import Data.Conduit.List (sourceList)
    main = do
        print $ runConduitPure $ sourceList [1,3,3,1,2,3] .| myConduit [] .| sinkList
    myConduit dup = do
      num <- await
      case num of
        Just x -> if x `elem` dup
                  then myConduit dup
                  else do
                    yield x
                    myConduit (x:dup)
        Nothing -> return ()

    On execution:

    sibi::casey { ~/scripts }-> ./cond.hs