I've been messing around with using the comma in short-circuit operations:
let component = { on: (p1, p2, p3) => console.log(p1, p2, p3) };
component.on('something', () => console.log('what do'), '???');
It seems ambiguous whether '???'
is a parameter or not
Is there some sort of rule about this?
The order of operations doesn't seem to help, since it doesn't describe params
The specification defines the precedence of the operators, that's how you can know.
Expression[In, Yield]: AssignmentExpression[?In, ?Yield] Expression[?In, ?Yield] , AssignmentExpression[?In, ?Yield]
14.2 - Arrow Function Definitions
ConciseBody[In]: [lookahead ≠ {]AssignmentExpression[?In] {FunctionBody}
The concise body of an arrow function must be an AssignmentExpression, which can't directly contain commas. But the comma operator can separate different AssignmentExpressions.
If you want to make it clear what you are doing, add parentheses:
console.log( (() => 2), 3 );
console.log( (() => 2, 3) );
console.log( () => (2, 3) );