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Ordering the function calls

I have to call the functions in an order, but somehow they work independently.

Here are the functions:

function a(){

function b(){

function c(){

$.when( a() ).then( $.when( b() ).then( c() ) );

When I run it, it looks like:

A works

C works

B works

But sometimes:

C works

A works

B works

How can I order them?


  • You can chain promise-like objects with using then method. Note the difference between then and done/fail, a done callback passed to then can return a new promise-like object for the rest of the control flow. This is why you can do the chaining. See the documentation.

    a().then(b).then(c).done(function() { // the last promise has been resolved });

    All of your functions should return the promise object for this to work. So your b should look like this.

    function b(){
      return Ajax_Call_2();

    Where Ajax_Call itself should return the ajax call, like return $.ajax(...).

    Note that as both b and c returns the promise, you can pass them directly to then.