So, I'm writing a webapp that gets a big list of student workbooks and puts them in a big table. I'm using ng-table for this. The list is huge so I'm trying to use pagination on the table because otherwise the page just takes forever to load. But right now the pagination is not working, the controls and page numbers show up at the bottom of the table but all the results are on the first page. What a I missing here? Relevant code (written in coffeescript):
$scope.loadWorkbooks = ->
$scope.workbooks = []
$scope.filters = {}
#...some filtering stuff...
$http.get "/api/students?active=true"
.then (response) ->
total = 0
_.each, (value) ->
total += value.Workbooks.length
$scope.workbooksTable = new NgTableParams
id: 'desc'
page: 1
count: 20
total: total
# counts:[]
getData: ($defer, params) ->
filteredData = if params.filter() then $filter('filter')($scope.workbooks, params.filter()) else $scope.workbooks
orderedData = if params.sorting() then $filter('orderBy')(filteredData, params.orderBy()) else filteredData
$defer.resolve orderedData
$scope.loadAllWorkbooks = () ->
$http.get "/api/v1/students/workbook"
.then (response) ->
workbooks =
if workbooks.length > 0
$scope.workbooks = $scope.workbooks.concat workbooks
Materialize.toast "Loading workbooks", 2000
The table:
<table show-filter="true" class="striped highlight bordered" ng-table="workbooksTable">
<tr ng-repeat="workbook in $data" ng-show="workbook.state !== 'dead'">
<td data-title="'ID'" sortable="'id'" filter="{id: 'text'}">
{{ }}
<td data-title="'Student'" sortable="''">
<p>{{ workbook.Student.firstName }} {{ workbook.Student.lastName }}</p>
<!--... more columns...-->
Figured it out, I needed to add a line to my get getData
getData: ($defer, params) ->
filteredData = if params.filter() then $filter('filter')($scope.workbooks, params.filter()) else $scope.workbooks
orderedData = if params.sorting() then $filter('orderBy')(filteredData, params.orderBy()) else filteredData
#line I needed to add below
slicedData = orderedData.slice ( - 1) * params.count(), * params.count()
#and then resolve slicedData instead of orderedData
$defer.resolve slicedData