I have problem with SharePoint encoding the javascript link, that normally renders like href="javascript:Function('url');" but in Sharepoint like href="javascript:Function(& #39;url& #39;)" wich of course does not work.
What do I need to do?
I need to be able to use my user control as stand alone as well as linked into a sharepoint page, right!?
Where are you inserting the code? Within a web part, a custom control, etc?
If you are trying to use the Content Editor web part I did notice some differences with it in 2010. When trying to use items that require javascript I just created a .txt file that resides in the SiteAssets. The file contains all the HTML/JS that I would normally add to the web part. Then point/link the Content Editor web part at that file.
This seemed to fix some issues I was having. Could work for you.