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Refresh my new plasmoid - reparse source

I'm learning how to develop Kde Plasma 5 plasmoids, and testing it with a small widget, consistent of just two qmls. I read some information sources, like or and created a package structure and sources for my test plasmoid, which looks like this:

$ ls -lR test
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 3 alberto alberto 4096 nov 26 14:28 contents
-rw-r--r-- 1 alberto alberto  459 nov 26 14:28 metadata.desktop

total 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 alberto alberto 4096 nov 26 14:33 ui

total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 alberto alberto 275 nov 26 14:28 main.qml
-rw-r--r-- 1 alberto alberto 465 nov 26 14:33 RootContainer.qml

The RootContainer is just the fullRepresentation of the widget, and contains only a label with the text "prueba1". So, as i read in the documentation, i used the command plasmapkg2 to install the widget as follows:

$ plasmapkg2 --install test
pluginname:  "org.matrixland.test"
Generated  "/home/xxx/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids//kpluginindex.json"  ( 3  plugins)
/home/xxx/Programación/proyectos/plasmoides/test instalado con éxito

Then, i can use it in the kde desktop and everything is fine. It is shown in the desktop, with the text label.

But now, if i change the text of the label, "prueba2", and i remove and reinstall the plugin as follows

$ plasmapkg2 --remove test 
Constructing a KPluginInfo object from old style JSON. Please use kcoreaddons_desktop_to_json() for "" instead of kservice_desktop_to_json() in your CMake code.
Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() in "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/plasma/packagestructure/" instead.
Constructing a KPluginInfo object from old style JSON. Please use kcoreaddons_desktop_to_json() for "" instead of kservice_desktop_to_json() in your CMake code.
Calling KPluginInfo::property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name") is deprecated, use KPluginInfo::pluginName() in "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/plasma/packagestructure/" instead.
Generated  "/home/xxx/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids//kpluginindex.json"  ( 2  plugins)
/home/xxx/Programación/proyectos/plasmoides/test desinstalado con éxito

>xxx@eleanor:~/Programación/proyectos/plasmoides$ plasmapkg2 --install test
pluginname:  "org.matrixland.test"
Generated  "/home/alberto/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids//kpluginindex.json"  ( 3  plugins)
/home/alberto/Programación/proyectos/plasmoides/test instalado con éxito

If now, i add it again to the desktop, i see the old text instead of the new one. I checked in the /home/xxx/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.matrixland.test directory that the source is up to date and refreshed, so i can't guess why am i obtaining the old text instead of the new one.

Obviously my problem is that none of the changes i make in the qml is reflected in the widget, not only text changes. I don't know if i am doing something wrong, or if i must do anything else to update the widget. Can anybody help me with that?

KDE and Qt version info


  • This is because the old QML is "cached" still. You'll need to restart plasmashell in order to see the changes.

    killall plasmashell; kstart5 plasmashell

    I used this script to reinstall applets when I want to test live. When I want to test quickly though, I'll use plasmoidviewer with:

    plasmoidviewer -a package -l bottomedge -f horizontal

    like in this script.