My code inputs a user-defined string and categorizes it as DNA, RNA, or ODD. The output is supposed to print the keys and values of the HashMap nucleotide_hmap but the code currently does not. What should I change in my code so that it works?
Here is what the code should output: (if user inputs sequence ATGC)
And this is one of my subclasses:
package sequenceclasses;
public class DNASequence extends MainSequence {
public DNASequence(String dna_sequence){
the_sequence = dna_sequence;
complement_hmap.put('A', 'T');
complement_hmap.put('T', 'A');
complement_hmap.put('C', 'G');
complement_hmap.put('G', 'C');
public void nuc_content(String dna_sequence){
the_sequence = dna_sequence;
double[] counts_ratios = new double[8];
for (int i = 0; i < dna_sequence.length(); i++){
if (dna_sequence.charAt(i) == 'A'){
counts_ratios[0] += 1;}
if (dna_sequence.charAt(i) == 'T'){
counts_ratios[1] += 1;}
if (dna_sequence.charAt(i) == 'C'){
counts_ratios[2] += 1;}
if (dna_sequence.charAt(i) == 'G'){
counts_ratios[3] += 1;}
if (dna_sequence.length() > 0){
counts_ratios[4] = counts_ratios[0] / dna_sequence.length();
counts_ratios[5] = counts_ratios[1] / dna_sequence.length();
counts_ratios[6] = counts_ratios[2] / dna_sequence.length();
counts_ratios[7] = counts_ratios[3] / dna_sequence.length();
String A_content = Double.toString(counts_ratios[0]) + " , " + Double.toString(counts_ratios[4]);
String T_content = Double.toString(counts_ratios[1]) + " , " + Double.toString(counts_ratios[5]);
String C_content = Double.toString(counts_ratios[2]) + " , " + Double.toString(counts_ratios[6]);
String G_content = Double.toString(counts_ratios[3]) + " , " + Double.toString(counts_ratios[7]);
nucleotide_hmap.put('A', A_content);
nucleotide_hmap.put('T', T_content);
nucleotide_hmap.put('C', C_content);
nucleotide_hmap.put('G', G_content);
You never call the nuc_content method in the DNASequence class. To solve this, add the line nuc_content(dna_sequence);
to the DNASequence class. The constructor should now look like this:
public DNASequence(String dna_sequence){
the_sequence = dna_sequence;
complement_hmap.put('A', 'T');
complement_hmap.put('T', 'A');
complement_hmap.put('C', 'G');
complement_hmap.put('G', 'C');