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Does URLClassLoader traverse MANIFEST.MF Class-Path headers properly?

UPDATE 1: Indeed, the URL format differences cause the error. Here is a unit test (cut and obfuscated by hand; hope I didn't miss anything) showing the problem:

public void wheresWaldo2() throws ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, IOException, NoSuchMethodException {
  // Find Waldo from file:/someLocation/waldo.jar.  Prove that works.
  URL waldosJar = new File("/someLocation/waldo.jar").toURI().toURL();
  assertEquals("file", waldosJar.getProtocol());
  String waldosPath = waldosJar.getPath();

  ClassLoader cl = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] { waldosJar }, this.getClass().getClassLoader());

  Class<?> waldosClass = cl.loadClass("com.foobar.Waldo");
  assertEquals("com.foobar.Waldo", waldosClass.getName());
  assertSame(cl, waldosClass.getClassLoader());

  Class<?> jimbosClass = cl.loadClass("com.foobar.Jimbo"); // Note: works

  // Find Waldo from jar:file:/someLocation/waldo.jar!/.  Prove that works.
  // This URL, when passed to a URLClassLoader, should result in the same
  // functionality as the first one.  But it doesn't.
  waldosJar = new URL("jar:" + waldosJar.toExternalForm() + "!/");
  assertEquals("jar", waldosJar.getProtocol());
  assertEquals("file:" + waldosPath + "!/", waldosJar.getPath());

  cl = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] { waldosJar }, this.getClass().getClassLoader());

  waldosClass = cl.loadClass("com.foobar.Waldo");
  assertEquals("com.foobar.Waldo", waldosClass.getName());
  assertSame(cl, waldosClass.getClassLoader());

  jimbosClass = cl.loadClass("com.foobar.Jimbo"); // XXX FAILS

UPDATE 0: The problem may have to do with the supposed, but not actual, equivalence between two URLs referring to a jar file. For example, the following two URLs are supposed to refer to the same file:

  • file:/myjar.jar
  • jar:file:/myjar.jar!/

When I pass a URL built from the first format to my machinery, I think things are working. When I pass a URL built from the second format, I get the results described below. I am testing more to confirm all this beyond a doubt.


(I am aware of this question.)

I have a jar file, waldo.jar, that contains a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF that looks like this:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Class-Path: jimbo.jar

It also has a class at the following location within it:


The class' source code is essentially:

package com.foobar;

public class Waldo {
  public Jimbo getJimbo() {
    return null;

Next, in the same directory, I have a jar file, jimbo.jar, that contains a class at the following location within it:


That class' source code is essentially:

package com.foobar;

public class Jimbo {


Now I construct a URLClassLoader with a URL to waldo.jar. To review: jimbo.jar contains Jimbo and is "next to" waldo.jar, and is listed in waldo.jar's META-INF/MANIFEST-MF's Class-Path header appropriately. waldo.jar contains Waldo, that has a code reference to Jimbo. With me so far?

I can load com.foobar.Waldo just fine. But if I do something with Waldo that involves com.foobar.Jimbo, like, for example, calling Waldo.class.getDeclaredMethod("getJimbo"), I get a NoClassDefFoundError. Here is a sample stack:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/foobar/Jimbo
    at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredMethods(
    at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethod(
    at com.foobar.TestClassLoadingProblems.wheresWaldo(

    Caused by:
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.foobar.Jimbo
        at com.foobar.MyClassLoader.findClass(...) // calls super.findClass()
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(

This suggests to me that URLClassLoader is not consulting the Class-Path header properly in all cases (I'm aware of how it works in general).

Can anyone shed light on what is happening here?


  • This is due to a bug in the JDK.