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Can anyone explain what does middleware does in this example

Can anyone explain what does middleware does in this example It does not support real api requests?

export default function clientMiddleware(client) {
return ({dispatch, getState}) => {
return next => action => {
  if (typeof action === 'function') {
    return action(dispatch, getState);
  const { promise, types, } = action;
  if (!promise) {
    return next(action);
  const [REQUEST, SUCCESS, FAILURE] = types;
  next({, type: REQUEST});
  const actionPromise = promise(client);
  console.log('client ');
    (result) => next({, result, type: SUCCESS}),
    (error) => next({, error, type: FAILURE})
  ).catch((error)=> {
    console.error('MIDDLEWARE ERROR:', error);
    next({, error, type: FAILURE});

  return actionPromise;


  • Before going to find out what the clientMiddleware does, you need to know the purposes of the following files:

    src/helpers/ApiClient.js: a class with a set of helper methods to perform API calls

    src/redux/create.js: this method receives an instance of ApiClient as parameter client this is the same parameter the clientMiddleware gets

    Now the clietMiddleware, the working is commented in the code

    // The clientMiddleware basically aims to intercept actions which performs API call
    // and it controls the dispatch of SUCCESS/FAILURE actions based on response
    export default function clientMiddleware(client) {
        return ({dispatch, getState}) => {
            return next => action => {
                // action creator is expected to return an object but
                // if we get a function instead, lets unwrap the top layer
                // by invoking the method and see if the action creator is inside
                if (typeof action === 'function') {
                  return action(dispatch, getState);
                // destructure properties from action object
                const { promise, types, } = action;
                // the middleware can work only if the Object returned by
                // the action creator has a key 'promise' which is assigned
                // a function that returns promise (essentially your API call)
                if (!promise) {
                  // no 'promise' key? that means this action is not an API call
                  // let's pass this action to next middleware
                  return next(action);
                // destructures elements from types array
                // REQUEST = types[0]
                // SUCCESS = types[1]
                // FAILURE = types[2]
                const [REQUEST, SUCCESS, FAILURE] = types;
                // Call next middleware with action.type = REQUEST
                // this will eventually get dipatched and the REQUEST reducer will get executed
                // Invokes a reducer just before the API call
                // a chance to set flags like 'loading': { ...state, loading: true }
                next({, type: REQUEST });
                // as I said before 'promise' is a function we got by destructuring 'actions'
                // and that function receives instance of ApiClient as parameter
                // thus in turn a promise is returned and we are storing that to a variable here
                const actionPromise = promise(client);
                // as the name says, 'actionPromise'' is a JavaScipt promise, a 'then'able one.
                    // on succesfull completion of the API call dispatch the SUCCESS action with result
                    // from API response, any additional parameters required by the reducer goes in
                    (result) => next({, result, type: SUCCESS }),
                    // similar to the success case, we dipatch the FAILURE action with error when API fails
                    (error) => next({, error, type: FAILURE })
                ).catch((error)=> {
                    next({, error, type: FAILURE });
                return actionPromise;