Can anyone explain what does middleware does in this example It does not support real api requests?
export default function clientMiddleware(client) {
return ({dispatch, getState}) => {
return next => action => {
if (typeof action === 'function') {
return action(dispatch, getState);
const { promise, types, } = action;
if (!promise) {
return next(action);
const [REQUEST, SUCCESS, FAILURE] = types;
next({, type: REQUEST});
const actionPromise = promise(client);
console.log('client ');
(result) => next({, result, type: SUCCESS}),
(error) => next({, error, type: FAILURE})
).catch((error)=> {
console.error('MIDDLEWARE ERROR:', error);
next({, error, type: FAILURE});
return actionPromise;
Before going to find out what the clientMiddleware does, you need to know the purposes of the following files:
: a class with a set of helper methods to perform API calls
this method receives an instance of ApiClient
as parameter client
this is the same parameter the clientMiddleware
Now the clietMiddleware
, the working is commented in the code
// The clientMiddleware basically aims to intercept actions which performs API call
// and it controls the dispatch of SUCCESS/FAILURE actions based on response
export default function clientMiddleware(client) {
return ({dispatch, getState}) => {
return next => action => {
// action creator is expected to return an object but
// if we get a function instead, lets unwrap the top layer
// by invoking the method and see if the action creator is inside
if (typeof action === 'function') {
return action(dispatch, getState);
// destructure properties from action object
const { promise, types, } = action;
// the middleware can work only if the Object returned by
// the action creator has a key 'promise' which is assigned
// a function that returns promise (essentially your API call)
if (!promise) {
// no 'promise' key? that means this action is not an API call
// let's pass this action to next middleware
return next(action);
// destructures elements from types array
// REQUEST = types[0]
// SUCCESS = types[1]
// FAILURE = types[2]
const [REQUEST, SUCCESS, FAILURE] = types;
// Call next middleware with action.type = REQUEST
// this will eventually get dipatched and the REQUEST reducer will get executed
// Invokes a reducer just before the API call
// a chance to set flags like 'loading': { ...state, loading: true }
next({, type: REQUEST });
// as I said before 'promise' is a function we got by destructuring 'actions'
// and that function receives instance of ApiClient as parameter
// thus in turn a promise is returned and we are storing that to a variable here
const actionPromise = promise(client);
// as the name says, 'actionPromise'' is a JavaScipt promise, a 'then'able one.
// on succesfull completion of the API call dispatch the SUCCESS action with result
// from API response, any additional parameters required by the reducer goes in
(result) => next({, result, type: SUCCESS }),
// similar to the success case, we dipatch the FAILURE action with error when API fails
(error) => next({, error, type: FAILURE })
).catch((error)=> {
next({, error, type: FAILURE });
return actionPromise;