As depending on the value on the page to change the color of the text?
<div [ng-Style]="color":colorFont({{}})> {{}} {{vm.symbal}}</div><br>
Where {{}}
is data (numerical value) of which should depend on the color of text. Where "ntvg" is data (string values) which should depend on the color of the text.
If greater than 0 -Red font color. Else:blue.
$scope.colorFont=function(var templiche){
if (parseFloat(templiche)>0) return color="red";
else {
return color="blue";
It seems like you are mixing Angular 1 & Angular 2 whole together by using []
(property binding with directive).
As you are using A1 ng-style
directive should be without placed []
square brackets & you shouldn't be using interpolation inside ng-style
ng-style="{'color': colorFont(}"
Additionally function would look like below
if (templiche>0) return 'red';
else {
return 'blue';