My current project has us using TreeSet and TreeMap in Java, with an input array of 10514 Song elements read in from a text file. Each Song contains a Artist, Title and Lyric fields. The aim of this project is to conduct fast searches on the lyrics using sets and maps.
First, I iterate over the input Song array, accessing the lyrics field and creating a Scanner object to iterate over the lyric words using this code: commonWords
is a TreeSet of words that should not be keys, and lyricWords
is the overall map of words to Songs.
public void buildSongMap() {
for (Song song:songs) {
//method variables
String currentLyrics= song.getLyrics().toLowerCase();
TreeSet<Song> addToSet=null;
Scanner readIn= new Scanner(currentLyrics);
String word=;
while (readIn.hasNext()) {
if (!commonWords.contains(word) && !word.equals("") && word.length()>1) {
if (lyricWords.containsKey(word)) {
addToSet= lyricWords.get(word);
} else
} else
In order to build the songSet, I use this code:
public void buildSongSet(String word) {
TreeSet<Song> songSet= new TreeSet<Song>();
for (Song song:songs) {
//adds song to set
if (song.getLyrics().contains(word)) {
lyricWords.put(word, songSet);
System.out.println("Word added "+word);
Now, since buildSongSet is called from inside a loop, creating the map executes in N^2 time. When the input array is 4 songs, searches run very fast, but when using the full array of 10514 elements, it can take over 15+ min to build the map on a 2.4GHz machine with 6 GiB RAM. What can I do to make this code more efficient? Unfortunately, reducing the input data is not an option.
It looks like your buildSongSet is doing redundant work. Your block:
if (lyricWords.containsKey(word)) {
addToSet= lyricWords.get(word);
adds a song to an existing set. So, when you find a word you don't know about, just add one song to it. Change buildSongSet to:
public void buildSongSet(String word, Song firstSongWithWord) {
TreeSet<Song> songSet= new TreeSet<Song>();
lyricWords.put(word, songSet);
System.out.println("Word added "+word);
the remaining songs left to be iterated will then be added to that songset from the first block of code if they contain that word. I think that should work.
EDIT just saw this was homework... so removed the HashSet recommendations..
Ok.. so suppose you have these Songs in order with lyrics:
Song 1 will see that foo does not contain lyricWords, so it will call buildSongSet and create a set for foo. It will add itself into the set containing foo.
Song 2 will see that foo is in lyricWords, and add itself to the set. It will see bar is not in the set, and create a set and add itself. It doesn't need to traverse previous songs since the first time the word was seen was in Song 2.
Song 3 follows the same logic.
Another thing you can try doing to optimize your code is to figure out a way to not process duplicate words in the lyrics. if your lyrics are foo foo foo foo bar bar bar foo bar then you're going to be doing a lot of unnecessary checks.
EDIT also see rsp's answer - additional speedups there, but the big speedup is getting rid of the inner loop - glad it's down to 15 secs now.