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How to run "ant update" in Hybris with only "Update Running System"?

I'm trying to run ant update from the command line after building my Hybris project but it runs Update Running System, Clear hMC Configuration from Database, Create essential data and Localize type (please refer the following image):

hybris console screen

Is there a way to run ant update command from command line so that it will only select "Update Running System"?

What parameter can I pass with ant update to only run "Update Running System" and not any other options?


  • You can use the command -DconfigFile=<your file> :


    ant updatesystem -Dtenant=<my tenant> -DconfigFile=path/to/my/config.json

    And here is an example of the config.json

      "init": "Go",
      "initmethod": "update",
      "clearhmc": "true",
      "essential": "true",
      "localizetypes": "true",
      "solrfacetsearch_sample": "true",
      "hmc_sample": "true",
      "solrfacetsearchhmc_sample": "true",
      "customerreview_sample": "true",
      "voucher_sample": "true",
      "promotions_sample": "true",
      "basecommerce_sample": "true",
      "cms2_sample": "true",
      "cms2lib_sample": "true",
      "ticketsystem_sample": "true",
      "payment_sample": "true",
      "btg_sample": "true",
      "platformhmc_sample": "true",
      "commerceservices_sample": "true",
      "commercewebservicescommons_sample": "true",
      "acceleratorservices_sample": "true",
      "acceleratorcms_sample": "true",
      "yacceleratorfulfilmentprocess_sample": "true",
      "yacceleratorcore_sample": "true",
      "electronicsstore_importCoreData": [
      "electronicsstore_importSampleData": [
      "electronicsstore_activateSolrCronJobs": [
      "yacceleratortest_createTestData": [
      "yacceleratorcockpits_importCustomReports": [

    As you can see, it's not so easy to implement this file. As suggested in Initializing and Updating SAP Hybris Commerce, go to the HAC once, do your configuration in the webpage and click on Dump configuration. It will give you the generated json file.