Assuming that I have a C# Cmdlet
that accepts values from the pipeline:
[System.Management.Automation.Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = true, ValueFromPipeline=true)]
public string Query
get { return query; }
set { query = value; }
private string query;
I would test this:
public void ShouldReturnAnInfoObjectCollection()
// arrange
string query = "SELECT si_id, si_name FROM ci_infoobjects WHERE si_id=23";
InfoObjects actual = null;
GetInfoObjects cmdlet = new GetInfoObjects();
cmdlet.Query = query;
// act
IEnumerator result = cmdlet.Invoke().GetEnumerator();
while (result.MoveNext())
actual = ((InfoObjects)result.Current);
// assert
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(actual, typeof(InfoObjects));
How would I test this Cmdlet
's ability to accept a value for Query
via the pipeline?
Using Pipeline.Input for Powershell testing was helpful.
Configure runspace:
public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext)
config = RunspaceConfiguration.Create();
Create test:
public void Get_InfoObjects_with_multiple_values_from_pipeline()
// "SELECT ..." | Get-InfoObjects ...
// arrange
string[] queries = { "SELECT * FROM ci_infoobjects WHERE si_id=23", "SELECT * FROM ci_infoobjects WHERE si_id=4" };
Command command = new Command("Get-InfoObjects");
using (Runspace runspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(config))
using (Pipeline pipeline = runspace.CreatePipeline())
foreach (string query in queries)
// act
var actual = pipeline.Invoke();
// assert
Assert.AreEqual(1, actual.Count);
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(actual[0], typeof(System.Management.Automation.PSObject));
} // using Pipeline
} // using // Runspace
} // test