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Including c files in .msg files (Veins)

I'm trying to implement a BSM in Veins 4.4. In order to reach this purpose I would like to import my libasn which are C files (.c and .h ) in the WaveShortMessage.msg in order to populate the BSM.

I tried to import them as follows:

  1. #include "veins/asn/BasicSafetyMessage.h"

  2. #include <veins/asn/BasicSafetyMessage.h>


extern "C" {
   #include "veins/asn/BasicSafetyMessage.h"


    #ifdef __cplusplus
    extern "C" {
    #include "veins/asn/BasicSafetyMessage.h"
    #ifdef __cplusplus

but it doesn't work. It always returns an error.

Could you suggest the right way to do it? Thanks a lot


  • Using a C or C++ code in the message's definition in OMNeT++ is described in details in OMNeT++ Simulation Manual, chapter 6.5.
    You should use cplusplus keyword, an example for C code in BasicSafetyMessage.h:

    cplusplus {{
    extern "C" {
    #include "veins/asn/BasicSafetyMessage.h"