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Allocate an array in C a specific location using linker commands

I am a beginner... I would like to write to a specific memory location in my embedded flash...How do I mention it in my C header file? And then link it with the specific memory location using linker scripts. Right now I have declared the array as extern and it compiles properly. While liking, I need to tell the linker that I need it at this particular location. Should it be given in .ld file? What is a .dld file? This is not for GCC, for diab compiler. I have seen a sample code bubble.dld for bubble sort. But in some projects .dld files are created while making the project. In what step is it actually created?


  • First solution

    in ".c":

    // Talk to linker to place this in ".mysection"
    __attribute__((section(".mysection"))) char MyArrray[52];

    in ".ld":

    MEMORY {
       m_interrupts (RX)    : ORIGIN = 0x00040000, LENGTH = 0x000001E8
       m_text      (RX)     : ORIGIN = 0x00050000, LENGTH = 0x000BFE18
       /* memory which will contain secion ".mysection" */
       m_my_memory (RX)       : ORIGIN = 0x00045000, LENGTH = 0x00000100
      /***** Other sections *****/
      /* place "mysection" inside "m_my_memory" */
      .mysection :
        . = ALIGN(4);
        . = ALIGN(4);
      } > m_my_memory
      /***** Other sections *****/

    Second solution

    in ".c"

    extern char myArray[52];

    in ".ld"

    MEMORY {
       m_interrupts (RX)    : ORIGIN = 0x00040000, LENGTH = 0x000001E8
       m_text      (RX)     : ORIGIN = 0x00050000, LENGTH = 0x000BFE18
       /* memory which will contain secion "myArray" */
       m_my_memory (RX)       : ORIGIN = 0x00045000, LENGTH = 0x00000100
      /***** Other sections *****/
      /* place "myArray" inside "m_my_memory" */
      .mysection :
        . = ALIGN(4);
        myArray = .; /* Place myArray at current address, ie first address of m_my_memory */
        . = ALIGN(4);
      } > m_my_memory
      /***** Other sections *****/

    See this good manual to learn more how to place elements where you want