I have something like this in my view:
{{1288323623006 | date:'%d/%m/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'}}
But it throws me an error in my console like this:
When I convert the milliseconds to a date object in my controller, like this:
$scope.myDate = new Date(1288323623006);
and in my view:
{{myDate | date:'%d/%m/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'}}
then it shows 29/10/2010 06:40:23 AM
as expected.
Here is an example from Angular Docs which throws the above error in my console.
I can convert the date to an object and pass it to the view, but I am interested to manage it this way, cause I don't want to use such a fixes.
I haven't change anything in my I18nAdapter.
Anyone had similar issue?
I have recently solved this issue and now I am posting my solution.
It turned out the angular's filters did not work because of localization's filters which were used instead.
What I did was disabling the localized date filters by commenting these lines inside our i18n.js
angular.module('app.filters.I18nAngular', []).filter('translate', function() {
return function(key, obj) {
return i18nAdapter.translate(key, obj);
}).filter('number', function() {
return function(value, options) {
return i18nAdapter.formatNumber(value, options);
}).filter('currency', function() {
return function(value) {
return i18nAdapter.formatCurrency(value);
// .filter('date', function() {
// return function(value, format) {
// return i18nAdapter.formatDate(value, format);
// };
// });
The i18nAdapter
has it's own formatting and filters, similar to angular, but in our case we are just fine using those that angular provides.