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deeplearning4j generate response to input

I have recently been trying to learn DL4J but have run into some issues. They have an example of a neural network generating Shakespeare-like text based off and input character but I can't seem to find anything that wold indicate a possible way of creating a response to an input statement.

I would like to use an input string such as "Hello" and have it be able to generate a response of varying length depended on the input. I would like to know if this is possible using LSTM and have a point in the right direction as I have no idea where to even start.


  • We have plenty of documentation this actually. This gives you a layout of what an RNN looks like:

    The model you would be looking at is character level, in general what you want is question answering though. You may want to look at an architecture like this:

    If you are completely new to NLP, I would look at this class:

    It covers question answering as well.