I have a Java KeyStore (JKS) and I need to read it with BouncyCastle.
I've added BC
provider at the top of providers list:
Security.insertProviderAt(new BouncyCastleProvider(), 1);
If I create KeyStore this way:
final KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS", "BC");
I get an error:
java.security.KeyStoreException: JKS not found
If I don't specify a provider, the KeyStore will be created with Sun
provider and keystore.aliases()
will contain EmptyEnumeration
As I saw in this topic, BouncyCastle can work with JKS
How can I read JKS with BouncyCastle?
Use BKS instead of JKS
KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance("BKS", "BC");
See section 6.4-Keystore of https://www.bouncycastle.org/specifications.html
The Bouncy Castle package has three implementation of a keystore. The first "BKS" is a keystore that will work with the keytool in the same fashion as the Sun "JKS" keystore.
The result will be the same as the Sun provider. If you get an empty list, check the JKS is not empty and you are reading It properly