I made a method in Kumulos to check login details. It is supposed to return the (Entry)ID of account logged in but when I run that API from Kumulos website I get this.
0: object (click to toggle)
timeCreated->2016-11-28 07:09:13
timeUpdated->2016-11-28 07:11:11
So how do I use this in my code? It returns an Object on calling a method from the android studio. I don't know anything about that object's type. How do I extract credentialID from that object?
This is the Syntax to call my API i used.
params.put(username, password);
Kumulos.call("login", params, new ResponseHandler() {
public void didCompleteWithResult(Object result) {
//this is the Object returned
I'm Chris from Kumulos. The result
object can be cast down to an List
of Map
interfaces, which you can then extract the fields from like so:
ArrayList<LinkedHashMap<String, Object>> objects = (ArrayList<LinkedHashMap<String,Object>>) result;
LinkedHashMap<String,Object> firstObject = objects.get(0);
int id = Integer.valueOf(String.valueOf(firstObject.get("credentialID")));
This example is adapted form the integration guide here: https://docs.kumulos.com/integration/android/#select-actions
If you have any further or more specific questions, we'd encourage you to reach out to our support team by emailing support@kumulos.com
Thanks, Chris