I have an database containing collections, and these collections containing documents on the form:
{ "_id" : 4, "value" : 2 }
I want to find the maximum "_id"
in all the collections in a efficient way. At the moment, I have a working method:
public long getLastTimestamp()
var tempList = getChannelNames();
var channelList = new List<IMongoCollection<BsonDocument>>();
var docuList = new List<BsonDocument>();
foreach (var channel in tempList)
foreach (var channel in channelList)
var filter = Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Exists("_id");
var result = channel.FindAsync(filter).Result.ToList();
foreach (var docu in result)
var timeList = new List<long>();
foreach (var docu in docuList)
if (!docu["_id"].IsObjectId)
return timeList.Max();
It works, but I don't think it's very efficient. Does anyone have some input or advice?
EDIT: I ended up doing this:
public long getLastTimestamp()
var filter = Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Exists("value");
return getChannelNames()
.Select(channel => _database.GetCollection<BsonDocument>(channel.name))
.SelectMany(channel => channel.FindAsync(filter).Result.ToList())
.Max(docu => docu["_id"].ToInt64());
Check this out:
public long getLastTimestamp()
//var tempList = getChannelNames();
var channelList = new List<IMongoCollection<BsonDocument>>();
var docuList = new List<BsonDocument>();
foreach (var channel in getChannelNames())
var filter = Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Exists("_id");
var result = _database.GetCollection<BsonDocument>(channel.name)
return result.Where(x => !x["_id"].IsObjectId)
.Max(entry => entry["_id"].ToInt64);
return 0;
Couldnt test it as these objects arnt available to me. On the linq-part you would maybe have to convert to list or array to get Where()
and Max()
Storing and iterating again is always slower.
public long getLastTimestamp()
var filter = Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Exists("_id");
return getChannelNames()
.Select(channel => _database.GetCollection<BsonDocument>(channel.name).FindAsync(filter).Result.ToList())
.Where(doc => !doc["_id"].IsObjectId)
.Max(doc => doc["_id"].ToInt64);