The properties view is not wrapping the text that is inside the cells in column "Value", so if the field has a big string, it isn't shown entirely.
My question is how can I wrapp the text in the cells?
I think I need to create a new PropertySheet, get the table and change the columns/cells setting to wrap the text.
So I created a new PropertySheet, added as an extension point and do the changes here.
public class RunnerPropertyView extends PropertySheet {
public void createPartControl(Composite parent) {
//not sure how to get the table instance here...
Am I thinking right? How can I get the table instance?
Unfortunately it seems that this is not possible for SWT tables because all rows should have the same height. If the content has '\n' characters the row might have different heights, but this is not an option...
Let me know if you find a good approach to solve that.