I'm trying to create a custom dialog window in JavaFX. It's simply loading a fxml and everything is fine apart from one cosmetic thing that bugs me out. When I click outside of the dialog, it does correctly block the interaction - but the dialog doesn't blink like the native dialogs in windows. I've seen a question about C++ and QT and it had something to do with the dialog parent, but I can't find anything about JavaFX sadly.
I haven't found this functionality in javafx yet. But with most of these things, you may accomplish this with the awt library.
Take a look at this post for more information about it. I hope you can use it with javafx though.I haven't tested it, but I have my doubts about it.
I did some testing and for me using Modality.WINDOW_MODALITY
for the stage works as espected. (when trying to unfocus it makes a sound, and it blinks. unless the whole application is unfocused). This is a simple example of the constructor I use for secondary windows.
public SecondaryWindow(Window parent, String title, Modality modality, int width, int height)
// basic setup
this.stage = new Stage();
this.root = this.loadRoot();
this.stage.setScene(new Scene(root, width, heigth));
// this will blink your application in the taskbar when unfocused.
this.stage.focusProperty().addListener(E -> this.stage.toFront());
// this is quickfix to prevent Alt+ F4 on a secondary screen.
this.stage.addEventFilter(KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED, E -> {
if(E.getCode() == KeyCode.F4 && E.isAltDown())
this.ignoreCloseRequest = true;
this.stage.setOnCloseRequest(E -> {
this.ignoreCloseRequest = false;
I hope this helps a bit more in your situation.