I'm using JsonNode for getting data from any kind of jason format and storing it to mongoDb
But while fetching data from mongoDB it is throwing error as below.
Failed to instantiate com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode using constructor NO_CONSTRUCTOR with arguments
Below is my domain class
public class Profiler {
private String id;
private String email;
private Map<String,JsonNode> profiler;
public String getEmail() {
return email;
public void setEmail(String email) {
this.email = email;
public Map<String, JsonNode> getProfiler() {
return profiler;
public void setProfiler(Map<String, JsonNode> profiler) {
this.profiler = profiler;
public Profiler(String email,Map<String,JsonNode> profiler){
this.profiler = profiler;
public Profiler(@JsonProperty("_id")String id,@JsonProperty("email")String email,@JsonProperty("profiler")Map<String,JsonNode> profiler){
this.profiler = profiler;
public Profiler(String id){
public Profiler(Map<String,JsonNode> profiler){
this.profiler = profiler;
public Profiler(){
public interface ProfilerRepository extends MongoRepository<Profiler, String>{
public Profiler findOneByEmail(String email);
And my controller call is as below and I'm getting the error on this line.
Profiler profile=profileService.findOneByEmail(email);
I have made this change and it works as expected.
Map<String, Object> profiler;