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handler.set in ES6 Proxy return value

In this code

function report(message) {
function makeLoggable(target) {
  return new Proxy(target, {
    get(target, property) {
      report(`Reading ${property}`);
      const param = target;
      return param[property];
    set(target, property, value) {
      report(`Writing value ${value} to ${property}`);
      const param = target;
      return param[property] = value;
let ninja = { name: 'Jack' };
ninja = makeLoggable(ninja);
console.assert( === 'Jack', 'Our ninja Jack');
ninja.status = '';

I have two questions:

  1. Why do I get an error if I set the property status, on the last line, to 0 or ""(empty string)?

Uncaught TypeError: 'set' on proxy: trap returned falsish for property 'status'(…)

  1. In the specification it says that I should return a boolean value. But in my case, in the set() method I do not return any boolean value. In that case why does this code work?


  • You are getting a TypeError because "" is falsy. You would receive the same error if you tried to set the property value to 0 or false.

    As MDN states

    In strict mode, a false return value from the set handler will throw a TypeError exception.

    MDN is somewhat unclear here as it appears that any falsy value (not just false) will cause the set handler to throw a TypeError.

    Your code works for most cases because you are returning the result of the assignment. ninja.test = 'string' will return string which is truthy.

    In order to fix this problem, simply change your set function to the following:

    set(target, property, value) {
      report(`Writing value ${value} to ${property}`);
      const param = target;
      param[property] = value;
      return true;