I wanted to use a image as a button. I got it working, but it is not very well made, please take a look at the screenshot. As you can see the Button itself is a lot bigger than the image, but I wanted it to be as big as the image:
The actual Button is bigger than the Image. The goal here is that there is nothing but the image to click. How can I achieve this? Here is the code ofthe button on the screenshot:
Button testButton = new Button();
String basepath = VaadinService.getCurrent().getBaseDirectory().getAbsolutePath();
testButton.setIcon(new FileResource(new File(basepath + "/VAADIN/themes/mytheme/img/Button.png")));
I know that
makes the button invisible, but unfortunately that does not adjust the size of the button, just the visbility..
You can simply add a click listner to an image instead of using a button.
Image image = new Image(null, new ClassResource("/images/button-img.jpg");
image.addClickListener(e -> System.out.println("click"));
And add this css, I use the @Stylesheet annotation to add in CSS.
.my-img-button {
cursor: pointer;