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(UE4) How can i set the position of bones using c++ only

i just want to know if there is a way to set bones of a skeletal mesh to a specific position in c++. I do not want to use blueprints and i did not find a good way of doing it.


  • Look up the UPoseableMeshComponent. It allows you to set the transform for each of a skeleton's bones.


    Here's an example of how I use a PoseableMeshComponent in a project. In my case I'm replicating a skeleton that's being driven by mocap data. The mocap data is received from a networking socket and stored into a struct that looks like this:

    struct FSkeletonData
        : Scale(1.0f)
     * The bones' location
    TArray<FVector> Locations;
     *  The bones' rotation
    TArray<FQuat> Rotations;
     *  Scale of the skeletal mesh
    float Scale;

    The class that's receiving this data has a PoseableMeshComponent and updates it based on this struct like this:

    int32 NumBones = PoseableMeshComponent->GetNumBones();
    for (int32 i = 0; i < NumBones; ++i)
            FName const BoneName = PoseableMeshComponent->GetBoneName(i);
            FTransform Transform(SkeletonDataActual.Rotations[i], SkeletonDataActual.Locations[i], FVector(SkeletonDataActual.Scale));
            PoseableMeshComponent->SetBoneTransformByName(BoneName, Transform, EBoneSpaces::WorldSpace);

    Note that SkeletonDataActual is of the FSkeletonData type, and these positions are in World Space. You might need to add your actor's location and/or rotation if you want it to work in local space.

    Hope that helps you, good luck!