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Changing Windows registry value in HKEY_USERS with Puppet

I'm using Puppet 4.2, and I have got a job where I need to change some values from the registry using the Puppet Registry Module

I'm trying to change a registry value in the hive HKEY_USERS, but I saw that the Puppet module doesn't work over there. I tried a different approach: changing this value with Powershell, but it does not work with the Puppet Powershell Module

This is the code that I run:

'$null=New-PSDrive -Name HKU -PSProvider Registry -Root Registry::HKEY_USERS  -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue; Set-ItemProperty -Path $("HKU:\"+$((Get-WmiObject Win32_useraccount) | ?{$_.Name -eq "Administrator"}).SID+"\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\Personalize") -Name EnableTransparency -Value 0 -Force'

If I run it with puppet it doesn't work, and when I run it in the local console it does.


  • HKEY_USERS is now supported in the unreleased version of puppetlabs/registry (unreleased as of November 2016). I would look for that to become available in a 1.1.4 release of the module on the forge. Until then you can use the GitHub master branch -

    For more information, see For managing HKCU, see