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Regex Match based on two strings using AND

I want to extract commands from a string. The commands I need contain specific ids 124 and 123 and also specific flag od and xy. So I want to extract all those commands which contained my ids [123|124] and my flags[od|xy] only.

String: Z124xy54;Z123od33;Z123od343;Z251od541;Z251ab541;
Regex: Z[^;]*?(od|xy)[^;]*?;
Required Output: [Z124xy54; Z123od33; Z123od343;]
But Current Output : [Z123xy54; Z123od33; Z123od343; Z251od541;]

I know why its happening that way but don't know how to solve this. Any one could help please

Another Sample:



  • Use :

    1. Start with Z => (Z)
    2. Match 123 or 124 without capturing group => (?:123|124)
    3. Match zy or od without capturing group => (?:xy|od)
    4. Match anything except newline untill first ; or end of string found without capturing group => (:?;|$)

    Working Demo :