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Custom MessageBox DialogResult

I have a custom c# MessageBox with custom Buttons Also, and I overrode Show() method, here is the most of my code:

public partial class CustomMessageBox : Form
    public CustomMessageBox()
#region Variables
public static CustomMessageBox MsgBox;
public static DialogResult result;
public enum CustomMessageBoxButtons { Ok, OkCancel }
public enum CustomMessageBoxTxtBoxState { VisibleChar, PasswordChar, VisibleCharReadOnly }

public static DialogResult Show(string text, string title, CustomMessageBoxButtons buttons)
    MsgBox = new CustomMessageBox();
    MsgBox.txtbox_content.Text = text;
    MsgBox.lbl_Title.Text = title;
    result = DialogResult.No;
    if (buttons == CustomMessageBoxButtons.Ok)
        MsgBox.btn_ok.Location = new Point(86, 70);
        MsgBox.btn_cancel.Visible = false;
    return result;

Here the Custom Button's Events

private void btn_ok_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;

private void btn_cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
private void btn_close_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

Problem is Here

private void flatButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (CustomMessageBox.Show("Title", "TITLEEE", CustomMessageBox.CustomMessageBoxButtons.OkCancel) ==**CustomMessageBox.MsgBox.result.Yes**)
        CustomMessageBox.Show("Aceptaste", "AGREED", CustomMessageBox.CustomMessageBoxButtons.Ok);
        CustomMessageBox.Show("Rechazaste", "dENIED", CustomMessageBox.CustomMessageBoxButtons.Ok);

When I call my messageBox it throws me an error on CustomMessageBox.MsgBox.result.Yes saying

Cannot be accessed with a WinForms instance Reference, QualifyIt with a type Name Instead

so What can I do ?


  • You are not comparing result of Show method with DialogResult.

    Instead of using

    if (CustomMessageBox.Show("Title", "TITLEEE", CustomMessageBox.CustomMessageBoxButtons.OkCancel) == CustomMessageBox.MsgBox.result.Yes)

    Try using

    if (CustomMessageBox.Show("Title", "TITLEEE", CustomMessageBox.CustomMessageBoxButtons.OkCancel) == DialogResult.Yes)