I try to use Vapor AuthMiddleware for two entities: Customer and Merchant
let auth = AuthMiddleware(user: Customer.self) { value in
return Cookie(
name: "vapor-auth",
value: value,
expires: Date().addingTimeInterval(60 * 60 * 5),
secure: true,
httpOnly: true
But as I see, the first added middleware (Customer) was replaced by second (Merchant) if they added by:
drop?.addConfigurable(middleware: auth, name: "auth")
So if I try to log in by credentials from request:
guard let login = req.data["login"]?.string,
let password = req.data["password"]?.string else {
throw Abort.badRequest
let credentials = APIKey(id: login, secret: password)
try req.auth.login(credentials)
I have an error:
▿ Abort
▿ custom : 2 elements
- .0 : HTTP.Status.badRequest
- .1 : "Invalid credentials."
But it throws only for the firstly added entity, which AuthMiddleware was replaced by other AuthMiddleware...
Please, let me know if it is possible to solve this problem. Thanks!
You can do something like this:
drop.group(AuthMiddleware()) { authed in
authed.get("endpoint") { req in
return ""
Anything that you put inside of the group (and used authed
to create endpoints with) will use the AuthMiddleware()