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Is it possible to inject into explicitly implemented method using Ninject?

Here is what I would like to do:

public interface IInject<in T>
    void Inject(T reference);

private class Foo : IInject<Bar>
    public Bar Bar { get; private set; }

    void IInject<Bar>.Inject(Bar reference)
        Bar = reference;

But nothing gets injected, only way that I got to work is with attribute and implicit implementation:

private class Foo : IInject<Bar>
    public Bar Bar { get; private set; }

    public void Inject(Bar reference)
        Bar = reference;

Is there a way to do it?


  • Ninject doesn't behave like that by default. You will need to create a custom selector.*

    Given your types this selector exhibits the behavior you've described,

    class ExplicitSelector : Selector
        public ExplicitSelector(
            IConstructorScorer constructorScorer, 
            IEnumerable<IInjectionHeuristic> injectionHeuristics) 
            : base(constructorScorer, injectionHeuristics)
        public override IEnumerable<MethodInfo> SelectMethodsForInjection(Type type)
            // Gets all implemented interface and grabs an InterfaceMapping. 
            var implementedInterfaces = type.GetInterfaces();
            foreach (var map in implementedInterfaces.Select(type.GetInterfaceMap))
                for (var i = 0; i < map.InterfaceMethods.Length; i++)
                    // Check each interface method for the Inject attribute, and if present
                    if (map.InterfaceMethods[i].CustomAttributes.Any(x => x.AttributeType == typeof (InjectAttribute)))
                        // return the target method implementing the interface method. 
                        yield return map.TargetMethods[i];
            // Defer to NInject's implementation for other bindings. 
            foreach (var mi in base.SelectMethodsForInjection(type))
                yield return mi;

    It's added to the kernel simply,

    standardKernel.Components.Remove<ISelector, Selector>();
    standardKernel.Components.Add<ISelector, ExplicitSelector>();

    And then calls to get an IInject<Bar> will work as you describe, using the custom selector.

    *There may be a better extension point to implement this with NInject. I'm far from an expert on NInject or it's implementation.