I have a Google Maps InfoWindow. The content of the InfoWindow comes from a variable called contentString
in my JS.
//content of InfoWindow
contentString =
'<div class="alertPreview">
<img class="alertPreviewImage" src="">
<h3 class="alertPreviewTitle">' +
document.alertName +
<h6 class="alertPreviewLocation">' +
document.alertMunicipality +
'' +
document.alertProvince +
<text class="alertPreviewContent">' +
document.alertDetails +
<button type="button" id="moreDetailsButton" class="btn btn-link alertDetailsButton">
More Details
Note that the single quotes in the above code are ticks in JS.
I want to access the button in my contentString
so that it triggers a modal/pop up. I was thinking of the following:
and then use template events for the button.I can add an event listener. My button value is printed when I
but I can't use it for my event listener:
google.maps.event.addListener($('#moreDetailsButton').html(), 'click', function(
console.log('button clicked')
What am I doing wrong? What am I missing? Any suggestions?
You should be able to access the event from the template that contains your map in the normal meteor way:
"click #moreDetailsButton": function(e,t){
You can use a template in you infowindow but I found that weird because the template isn't reactive as it is rendered when the infowindow is declared. I found that a simpler way to do this is to use plain modals instead of the provided infowindow. EDIT : In order to display the proper data that you can use the id of the marker (or whatever data is available when you instanciate your marker) and a session variable:
marker.addListener('click', function() {
Session.set('iwModalData', marker.id);
And then display proper content in your modal template from the session var information. If the only thing you'd want to display was the id of the marker :
"iwContent": function(){
return Session.get('iwModalData');