I need to save a Json Field as a column of my Play Framework Model. My table parser in DAO is
class Table(tag: Tag) extends Table[Model](tag, "tablename") {
implicit val configFormat = Json.format[Config]
// Fields ...
def config = column[Config]("config", O.SqlType("JSON"))
// Fields ...
is defined as a case class in Model in Play Model folder and has his companion object. Field of this object are Int, Double or String
case class Config ( // fields )
object Config {
implicit val readConfig: Reads[Config] = new Reads[Config]
for {
// fields
} yield Config(// fields)
implicit val configFormat = Json.format[Config]
Problem is i can't compile due to this error
Error:(28, 37) could not find implicit value for parameter tt:
def config = column[Config]("config", O.SqlType("JSON"))
Is there a way to save the Config model as Json in the Table (reading it as Config)?
You need to tell Slick how to convert your Config
instances into database columns:
implicit val configFormat = Json.format[Config]
implicit val configColumnType = MappedColumnType.base[Config, String](
config => Json.stringify(Json.toJson(config)),
column => Json.parse(column).as[Config]