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Why do I get an HTTP 404 on this one Web API request?

I am making a POST request, and getting a 404 - Not Found error back, to this controller and action:

public class AppointmentController : BaseController
    public AppointmentDto Post(AppointmentDto model)
        Logger.Info($"Appointment ID {model.Id} created.");
        return model;

The request is made from a WPF client using HttpClient from the Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client package. The client is configured like so:

public abstract class BaseRestClient
    protected const string BaseAddress = "http://localhost:51009";
    protected HttpClient Client;

    protected virtual void ConfigureClient()
        Client = new HttpClient { BaseAddress = new Uri(BaseAddress) };
        Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

And called as follows:

var response = await Client.PostAsJsonAsync("api/Appt", model, cancellationToken);

Properties on response include:

StatusCode: 404`
ReasonPhrase: 'Not Found'`
    {Method: POST, RequestUri: 'http://localhost:51009/api/Appt'`

This is the only request I'm making to a POST action, with a model parameter, but, ironically, a POST request to a GET action on an almost identical controller works fine. With the controller:

public class PersonController : BaseController
    public async Task<IEnumerable<PersonDto>> Get()
        Db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
        return await Db.Persons.ToListAsync();

the request made as below works fine and returns all my Person objects:

HttpResponseMessage response = await Client.PostAsync("api/Person", null, cancellationToken);

Two similar requests to GET actions also work perfectly.

So why would the one resource be found, and the other not? Are the any other, hidden reasons a 404 would be returned other than the requested resource not being found?

Could this be due to a conflict with two types of routing, e.g.


    name: "DefaultApi",
    routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
    defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }

I have to use attribute routing in one place, the comment explains why:

// NOTE HTTP 405 - Method not allowed when this action is named 'Get'.
public async Task<IEnumerable<BranchDto>> Fetch()
    Db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
    return await Db.Branches.ToListAsync();


  • You are using the wrong route prefix attribute.


    is for MVC not Web API.

    You need the one in System.Web.Http


    The reason the person controller example worked is because it defaulted back to convention-based routing.

    original would have worked if you called POST http://localhost:51009/api/Appointment via convention-based routing.