I have some classes I ported from Java to JavaScript. I would like to combine them in a library.
for example:
var myLibrary = {
version: 1.0,
...more code...
Now a class I would like to add to this library (this was ported from Java to JavaScript!) follows:
Edit: new version below
This class works as beautifully as is, but encapsulating it is proving difficult. I would like to do something like this:
var ticker = new myLibrary.jTicker(30,10);
var otherObj = new myLibrary.object2();
The problem seems to be I can't add the prototype stuff. It's like I need to define them outside the encapsulation. Is it even possible to include them inside? I understand I could just put the prototype stuff as inner functions and use the this.that = this hack, but I would rather not.
The reason for this question is that I have broken a game into 6 or so classes in Java that I can easily port to JavaScript, (like the jTicker class) and I would like to combine them all in the same Library namespace.
Edit: Thanks to suggestion from @Jamiec, I have completed a small utility library. It contains two such pseudo-classes. It contains some cross-browser shims. I have shared it here for everyone to see the techniques used and so that everyone can benefit from it.
/* Crawford Computing */
/* JavaScript IIFE Library */
/* Author: Jonathan Crawford */
/* Created: Nov 2016 */
/* Current Version: 1.1 */
/* Version 1.1: added util */
/* Version 1.0: added ticker */
/*Please credit me if you use*/
/*my code in whole or in part*/
var ccLibrary = (function(){
/* Ticker Class */
/* Author: Jonathan Crawford */
/* Created: Nov 2016 */
/* version 3.0 IIFE encapsulated version */
/*construct: */
/*var testTicker = new ccLibrary.jTicker(viewLength,spaceSize); */
/*add a message */
/*testTicker.addMessage(number,message); */
/*this will get increment the start index and return the ticker */
/*var temp = testTicker.getTicker(); */
/*call that in a timed loop and stick it wherever */
/*to remove/change */
/*if(testTicker.keyExists(number);){testicker.removeMessage(number);} */
/*then add the updated version */
/*testTicker.addMessage(number,newMessage); */
/*message numbers need not be added in order(but will display in order) */
/*numbers may be skipped, i.e 0,1,5,6,9 is a valid key list */
/*testTicker.removeMessage(number); */
var Ticker = function(length,spaces) {
//make space even
if (spaces%2 != 0) { spaces += 1; }
//set space size]
this.spaceSize = spaces;
//set length
this.viewLength = length;
//start position
this.position = 0;
this.key = 0;
//all messages
this.messages = {};
//add message
Ticker.prototype.addMessage = function(key,msg) {
var halfspace = "";
var half = this.spaceSize / 2;
for (var i = 0; i < half; i++) { halfspace += "\u00A0"; }
var temp = halfspace + msg + halfspace;
this.messages[key] = temp;
//remove message
Ticker.prototype.removeMessage = function(key) {
delete this.messages[key];
//does key exist?
Ticker.prototype.keyExists = function(key) {
return (key in messages);
//get string snipit
Ticker.prototype.getTicker = function() {
this.position += 1;
//set pointer to next key when end of current message reached
var stop = false;
for (key in this.messages) {
if (stop) { //execute once
this.key = key;
stop = false; //if this does not run we can fix it
break; //or key will match and it will excute again
else {
// only execute when key matches and position is past end of message
if (key == this.key && this.position > this.messages[this.key].length-1) {
this.position = 0;
stop = true; //set flag for an execution on next key
while(stop){ //if new key never set
for (key in this.messages) {
this.key = key; //we want the first key
stop = false;
var temp = this.messages[this.key].substring(this.position);
var work = false;
for (key in this.messages) {
//starting at next key
if (work) { temp += this.messages[key]; }
//work rest of keys
if(key == this.key){ work = true; }
//contiue if short
for (key in this.messages) {
temp += this.messages[key];
if (temp.length > this.viewLength) { break; }
//return exactely enough
return temp.substring(0,this.viewLength);
/* Javascript Utilities */
/* Author: Jonathan Crawford */
/* Created: October, 2015 */
/* Change History: */
/* Current Ver. 2.0 Nov 2015 */
/* Version 2.0:IIFE encapsulated version*/
/* Version 1.1: Added fixDate */
/* and isIE functions. */
/* Version 1.0: First Version */
/* Made from Textbook. */
/*construct: */
/*var util = new ccLibrary.Utilities(); */
/*call members: */
/*if(util.isIE()){} */
/*util.$(id) is getElementById(id) */
/*add text to element */
/*util.setText(id) */
/*add event */
/*util.addEvent(obj,type,fn) */
/*remove event */
/*util.removeEvent(obj,type,fn) */
var Utilities = function(){
if (!Date.now) { //Older Browser Fix for Timings
Date.now = function now() {
return new Date().getTime();
Utilities.prototype.isIE = function() {
var myNav = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
return (myNav.indexOf('msie') != -1) ? parseInt(myNav.split('msie')[1]) : false;
Utilities.prototype.$ = function(id) { //Shortcut to the element
if (typeof id == 'string') {
return document.getElementById(id);
Utilities.prototype.setText= function(id, message) {
if ( (typeof id == 'string') && (typeof message == 'string') ) {
var output = this.$(id);
if (!output) return false;
if (output.textContent !== undefined) {
output.textContent = message;
} else {
output.innerText = message;
return true;
Utilities.prototype.addEvent = function(obj, type, fn) {
if (obj && obj.addEventListener) {
obj.addEventListener(type, fn, false);
} else if (obj && obj.attachEvent) {
obj.attachEvent('on' + type, fn);
Utilities.prototype.removeEvent = function(obj, type, fn) {
if (obj && obj.removeEventListener) {
obj.removeEventListener(type, fn, false);
} else if (obj && obj.detachEvent){
obj.detachEvent('on' + type, fn)
Use an IIFE
var myLibrary = (function(){
var jTicker = function(length,spaces) {
//make space even
if (spaces%2 != 0) { spaces += 1; }
//set space size]
this.spaceSize = spaces;
//set length
this.viewLength = length;
//start position
this.position = 0;
this.key = 0;
//all messages
this.messages = {};
// you can have all your prototype code here here
var myInstance = new myLibrary.jTicker(10,30);