I understand the logic behind how Kadane's Algorithm (maximum sum of all sequential sub-arrays in an array) works in "pseudo-code," and I'm sure I could implement it as a function in C or C++. However, I'm trying to implement it using lists in Scheme (Racket; the file extension is .rkt), which I have no experience with.
The end result I'm looking for is...
Input: (maxsum `(1 4 -2 1))
Output: 5
So far I've developed two helper functions I may be able to use within the maxsum function.
(1) size: returns the number of elements in a list.
(define size
(lambda (list)
[(not (list? list)) 0]
[(null? list) 0]
[else (+ 1 (size (cdr list)))]
(2) sum: returns the sum of all elements in a list.
(define sum
(lambda (list)
[(not (list? list)) 0]
[(null? list) 0]
[else (+ (car list) (sum (cdr list)))]
How would I go about defining/designing the maxsum function?
Here is a version patterned after the Phyton code on wikipedia:
(define (maxsum lst)
(define (aux lst max-ending-here max-so-far)
(if (null? lst)
(let ((new-max-ending-here (max 0 (+ (car lst) max-ending-here))))
(aux (cdr lst) new-max-ending-here (max max-so-far new-max-ending-here)))))
(aux lst 0 0))
(maxsum '(1 4 -2 1)) ; => 5
(maxsum '(-2 1 -3 4 -1 2 1 -5 4)) ; => 6
It is tail recursive, so it will be compiled into an efficient iterative program.