Below is my compiled template in beforeEach function
template = '<form name="configForm">' +
'<input type="number"/>' +
'<input type="checkbox"/>' +
'<input type="text"/>' +
'<div class="form-error" ng-show="configForm.$error.max">Error</div>' +
element = angular.element(template);
element = $compile(element)($scope);
Why is below find method returning me empty results?
var dirElementInput = element.find('input:not([type="checkbox"])');
But when i use it like this, it works:
var dirElementInput = element.find('input');
Object{0: <input type="number">, 1: <input type="checkbox">, 2: <input type="text">, length: 3}
LOG: 3
The jQueryLite that Angular uses, the find()
method is limited to finding by tag name, so you cannot use :not
here like you would in the full jQuery library....
An alternative would be to write a small method to filter the input types.
For reference, here's the Angular Documentation on find()