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Finding a specific node in xml hierarchy JAVA

I am using SAX to transform an XML document and remove nodes using an xsl:stylesheet (thanks to teppic). I'm not familiar with XML to understand how to edit the document.


<!-- Copy -->
<xsl:template match="node()|@*">
        <xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/>

<!-- Strip IMFile elements -->
<xsl:template match="IMFile"/>

This is getting all nodes of IMFile and deleting them perfectly. I now need to search nodes of type: Callout and see if any of their child of VectorNode's value is equal to TypeWinText and if so delete the entire Callout node. If not - do nothing.

Project_Data Version="8.00"> 
<GoProject id="1" version="3.0" > <Project id="2" editRate="30/1" version="3.0" > 
<Timeline id="6" > 
<GenericMixer id="10" name="Unified Mixer"> 
<GenericTrack id="11" > 
<Callout id="91" start="55" duration="20" scalar="1/1" mediaStart="25/1" mediaDuration="20/1" > 
<Attribute id="130" name="vectorNode"> 
<VectorNode id="131" kind="TypeWinSVG" > </VectorNode>


  • Consider adding another empty template to remove Callout based on specific condition:

    <xsl:template match="Callout[descendant::VectorNode/@kind='TypeWinText']"/>